Ars Magia. Ars Theurgia Ars Thaumaturgia



Update of Teurgia website: 28 of February 2021

Update of Teurgia website: 28 of February 2021

We introduce the Teurgia.Org website update in English. As an illustration of the update, an image is shown based on a photograph of Robert Ambelain. ...

02.03.2021 21:47 More details
The celestial vault of Alessandro Farnese by Margherita Fiorello

The celestial vault of Alessandro Farnese by Margherita Fiorello

The celestial vault of Alessandro Farnese    by Margherita Fiorello   Haec, Auguste, tamen, quae vertice sidera pulsat, par domus...

02.03.2021 12:55 More details
Nature and fate — Dr. Papus

Nature and fate — Dr. Papus

Nature and fate   Dr. Papus    Excerpt from the Lecture "Man and the Universe"    Everyone has an egoistic tendency to ...

01.03.2021 23:27 More details
Update of Teurgia website: 31 of December 2020

Update of Teurgia website: 31 of December 2020

We introduce the Teurgia.Org website update in English. This painting uses the magic symbols from Plate 99 (titled I. “The Seal of St. Michael”) of t...

12.01.2021 15:35 More details
Update of Teurgia website: 30 of November 2020

Update of Teurgia website: 30 of November 2020

We introduce the Teurgia.Org website update in Russian. The update illustrates an image of a magician conjuring air spirits - sylphs. The author of th...

02.12.2020 13:26 More details
The first day of the year — Margherita Fiorello

The first day of the year — Margherita Fiorello

The first day of the year     by Margherita Fiorello   The legend says that Numa Pompilius, the successor of Romulus, in his r...

02.12.2020 03:24 More details
12 Houses in astrology: their meaning by Papus

12 Houses in astrology: their meaning by Papus

12 Houses in astrology: their meaning    by Papus    From the book "The Tarot of the Bohemians"    In the 1st hous...

02.12.2020 02:10 More details
Update of Teurgia website: 31 of October 2020

Update of Teurgia website: 31 of October 2020

We introduce the Teurgia.Org website update in English. The update illustrates the "Guardian of the Threshold" image. The author of the illustration ...

02.11.2020 00:28 More details
The plurality of personalities — Sar Dinoil

The plurality of personalities — Sar Dinoil

The plurality of personalities and the peculiarity of character change   Excerpt from Sar Dinoil's "Developing of astral abilities"   Th...

01.11.2020 20:35 More details
Physiognomy and planets — Margherita Fiorello

Physiognomy and planets — Margherita Fiorello

Physiognomy and planets     by Margherita Fiorello   The shape of the body in all living beings depends on the temperament. Wi...

01.11.2020 20:17 More details
Update of Teurgia.Org website: 30 of September 2020

Update of Teurgia.Org website: 30 of September 2020

We introduce the Teurgia.Org website update in English. The update illustrates an image with a scene from the famous Icelandic legend of Galdra–Loftur...

01.10.2020 01:26 More details
Occult correspondence theory — Sergei Tukholka

Occult correspondence theory — Sergei Tukholka

Occult correspondence theory by Sergei Tukholka   In the preparation of talismans and in all magical actions, the so-called theory of occult c...

30.09.2020 23:40 More details
The four elements and occult correspondences  — Baal-Hiram and Eric Midnight

The four elements and occult correspondences — Baal-Hiram and Eric Midnight

The four elements and occult correspondences   Lecture by Baal-Hiram and Eric Midnight (Teurgia.Org’s administrators)   Welcome to the T...

30.09.2020 22:13 More details
Update of Teurgia website: 31 of August 2020

Update of Teurgia website: 31 of August 2020

We introduce the Teurgia.Org website update in English. The update illustrates an image with an exorcism scene. The author of the picture is Visionis ...

01.09.2020 11:40 More details
Astronomy, astrology and astral divination in the Ancient East and Persia — Prof. Antonio Panaino

Astronomy, astrology and astral divination in the Ancient East and Persia — Prof. Antonio Panaino

Astronomy, astrology and astral divination in the Ancient East and Persia a lecture by Prof. Antonio Panaino   The following is an abstra...

01.09.2020 09:55 More details
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Update of Teurgia website: 28 of February 2021

rober ambelen portretWe introduce the Teurgia.Org website update in English. As an illustration of the update, an image is shown based on a photograph of Robert Ambelain. Image is made by Grrra4onok. The color image is available in our gallery.


The articles in this update focus on the topics of mentalism and personal magnetism, occult philosophy and psychurgy.

We remind that on the portal Teurgia.Org operates an online store.


At the moment, the book “Algerian manuscript of Martinez de Pasqually” in Russian, four Planetary Talismans and several types of high-quality natural incense are placed in the store as goods. Gradually, the assortment of the store will expand. Stay tuned for updates in the store. Ten percent of the store’s profits will go to help private shelters for homeless animals.

Support the translation of new materials, the release of new videos on our Youtube channel, the acquisition, digitization and translation of rare documents and books. Use the “Support” button on our website.


You also support our activities by purchasing goods in our online store.


Occult philosophy
Nature and fate by Dr. Papus
Excerpt from the Lecture "Man and the Universe" on the attitude of the Christian occultist to fate, as well as on the "dark stars".


Mentalism and magnetism
The influence of thoughts and lifestyle on the astral of a person by Dr. Papus
Excerpt from the Lecture "Man and the Universe" by Dr. Papus


Psychic culture by Sar Dinoil
Notes on the character of a person.


The power of desire for praise and vanity by Victor Turnbull
Useful Notes on Personal Magnetism.


The celestial vault of Alessandro Farnese by Margherita Fiorello
An article about Farnese Palace from the blog of the traditional astrologer Margherita Fiorello "Heaven Astrolabe"

Update of Teurgia website: 31 of December 2020

evokaciya angelaWe introduce the Teurgia.Org website update in English. This painting uses the magic symbols from Plate 99 (titled I. “The Seal of St. Michael”) of the grimoire “Doktor Johannes Fausts Magia naturalis”, illustrations from which were edited and published by Mihai Vârtejaru, to whom we are grateful for his works, on his blog “Studies on Magic”. The author of our illustration is Ekaterina Miroshnichenko. The color image is available in our gallery.


The articles in this update focus on the topics of mentalism and personal magnetism, alchemy, bewitchment and psychurgy.

We remind that on the portal Teurgia.Org operates an online store.


At the moment, the book “Algerian manuscript of Martinez de Pasqually” in Russian, four Planetary Talismans and several types of high-quality natural incense are placed in the store as goods. Gradually, the assortment of the store will expand. Stay tuned for updates in the store. Ten percent of the store’s profits will go to help private shelters for homeless animals.

Support the translation of new materials, the release of new videos on our Youtube channel, the acquisition, digitization and translation of rare documents and books. Use the “Support” button on our website.


You also support our activities by purchasing goods in our online store.


Astral, lucid dreaming
Bewitchment of hatred and prayer by Papus
A short story from the collection "Is bewitchment possible? Historical, critical and anecdotal research of this issue" by Papus.


Development of passive psychic abilities by A. Likhanov
An essay on the technique of developing abilities for psychometry, clairvoyance, clairaudience, mediumship, etc.


Mentalism and magnetism
The qualities and characteristics of the magician by A. Likhanov
An essay on the vices to be avoided by the magician.


Voice development by A. Likhanov
An essay on the techniques for developing a magnetic voice, necessary for both the magician and the orator.


In the city of simple herbs, with Hildegard and Avicenna by Margherita Fiorello
An article about spagyria from the blog of the traditional astrologer Margherita Fiorello "Heaven Astrolabe"

Update of Teurgia website: 30 of November 2020

zaklinanie silfovWe introduce the Teurgia.Org website update in Russian. The update illustrates an image of a magician conjuring air spirits - sylphs. The author of the illustration is Ekaterina Miroshnichenko. The color image is available in our gallery.


The articles in this update focus on the topics of mentalism and personal magnetism, mnemonics, astrology and practice of Theurgy.


We remind that on the portal Teurgia.Org operates an online store.


At the moment, the book “Algerian manuscript of Martinez de Pasqually” in Russian, four Planetary Talismans an several types of high-quality natural incense are placed in the store as goods. Gradually, the assortment of the store will expand. Stay tuned for updates in the store. Ten percent of the store’s profits will go to help private shelters for homeless animals.


Support the translation of new materials, the release of new videos on our Youtube channel, the acquisition, digitization and translation of rare documents and books. Use the “Support” button on our website.


You also support our activities by purchasing goods in our online store.


Mentalism and magnetism
Developing willpower — A. Likhanov
A number of helpful tips for developing willpower for the mentalist.


Mnemonics in everyday life — Sar Dinoil
Daily habits to develop memory for mentalists.


Practice of Theurgy
Prayer for the sick — Peter Mogila
One of the prayers of Peter Mogila, the purpose of which is to restore health to a sick person.


12 Houses in astrology: their meaning — Papus
A brief description of the meaning of the 12 Houses in Astrology according to Dr. Papus (excerpted from his book "The Tarot of the Bohemians").


The first day of the year — Margherita Fiorello
This article refers to the first day of the year among the Romans after Numa Pompilius.

Update of Teurgia website: 31 of October 2020

straj porogaWe introduce the Teurgia.Org website update in English. The update illustrates the "Guardian of the Threshold" image. The author of the illustration is Ekaterina Miroshnichenko. The color image is available in our gallery.


The articles in this update focus on the topics of astral plane, occult philosophy and astrology.


We remind that on the portal Teurgia.Org operates an online store.


At the moment, our online store contains six video lectures in English, natural beeswax candles, natural incense and other products. Gradually, the assortment of the store will expand. Stay tuned for updates in the store. Ten percent of the store’s profits will go to help private shelters for homeless animals.


You can support the translation of new materials, the release of new videos on our Youtube channel, the acquisition, digitization and translation of rare documents and books, using our PayPal: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


You also support our activities by purchasing goods in our online store.


Occult philosophy
The plurality of personalities — Sar Dinoil
On the four temperaments from the book by Sar Dinoil.


Astral, lucid dreaming
Preliminary exercises, Vision — Sar Dinoil
Technique for the development of astral vision according to the technology of Sar Dinoil.


The meaning of the Unconscious — Sar Dinoil
Essay by Sar Dinoil on the importance of the unconscious for the development of memory and other astral abilities.


Astral — Sergei Tukholka
Essay by Sergei Tukholka on the essence and structure of the astral plane.


Physiognomy and planets — Margherita Fiorello
The following is a quick and rough translation from Giovanni Battista Della Porta’s Della Fisonomia dell’uomo: in fact the Neapolitan philosopher deeply studied the physiognomy.

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