12 Houses in astrology: their meaning
by Papus
From the book "The Tarot of the Bohemians"
In the 1st house, the structure of a human person is studied, his temperament, character, abilities: good or bad.
The 2nd house tells us about the...
About the temperament of the Moon
by Margherita Fiorello
A friend in a recent thread in Deborah Houlding forum, focused my attention about the quality of the Moon according Ptolemy. In Quadripartite, I, 8 Ptolemy debates about the qualities of the planets in respect...
Astrological aphorisms from Burton’s Anatomy of Melancholy
From Robert Burton’s Anatomy of Melancholy (1), astrological aphorisms
"Jovianus Pontanus, in his tenth book, and thirteenth chapter de rebus coelestibus, discourseth to this purpose at large, Ex atra bile varii...
Astrology: the science of the soul
According to occultism, the soul is the astral body of man, complete with Planetary and Zodiac influences that entered it at the time of its birth, right at the moment when he, as a newborn, breathed the first whiff of air, and became an...
Astronomy, astrology and astral divination in the Ancient East and Persia — Prof. Antonio Panaino
Astronomy, astrology and astral divination in the Ancient East and Persia
a lecture by Prof. Antonio Panaino
The following is an abstract of the lecture kept in Sophia at the New Bulgarian University on the 19th November 2009 by Prof. Antonio Panaino, the famous Italian Orientalist,...
Cardano on fixed stars in De iudiciis geniturarum (1547)
Stars at the border of Sagittarius, the three ones of third magnitude near or over the arrow, have a great influence in producing murderers. If they are well disposed they make heroes, men of war, tribunes, judges, responsible...
Fixed stars and temperament
by Margherita Fiorello
In traditional astrology Moon and Mercury and their ruler give the mores, morality as a set of mores (( Wikipedia )), what Ptolemy and the rest of ancient astrologers call “the quality of the soul”, which we should not mix with...
Marsilio Ficino and the star of the magi:
“De Stella magorum”
This is one of the most famous sermons and astrological texts written by Marsilio Ficino for Christmas 1482.
Marsilio explains the birthchart of Jesus and the role of Magi: he dismisses the theory of Great Conjunction...
On the division of times
Being Ptolemy reputed even between the flags of the revival of traditional astrology a compiler hired “by some rich man” (( James H.Holden for Nina Gryphon: Ptolemy went down to the Alexandrian Library and got out two or three books on astrology, read through...
Physiognomy and planets
by Margherita Fiorello
The shape of the body in all living beings depends on the temperament. Without having the birthchart we should easily recognise different temperaments, and on the other hand the assessment of the temperament from a chart...