Astral, lucid dreams
Ars Magia. Ars Theurgia Ars Thaumaturgia

Astral, lucid dreaming

Astral by Sergei Tukholka   Occultism recognizes the existence of three worlds, or, in other words, three planes of existence: the spiritual world, the astral world and the physical world. The representative of the first is spirit, the representative of the second is energy or force, and...
Astral projection practice by A. Likhanov   Under the general term "Telepathy", one can summarize all phenomena in which a complete or partial exteriorization of the astral body is detected. These phenomena can be arbitrary and involuntary.   Full or partial exteriorization of the...
Clairvoyance   by A. Likhanov     There are two main types of clairvoyance: in time and in space. Clairvoyance in time makes it possible to see the past or to capture in the astral plane weak and imperfect reflections, the actions of the great law of cause and effect, those...
Is bewitchment possible?   Historical, critical and anecdotal research of this issue   Bewitchment of hatred and prayer   by Papus   A young lady enters the office of a young doctor, reputed to be an expert in this field. - Dr. I., I came to you at the direction of...
Development of passive psychic abilities   by A. Likhanov   Having prepared your body, subjecting it to the control of the will, having accumulated a significant amount of dynamized nervous fluid and having learned to control it, you can begin the correct development of psychic...

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