"Complete passive state" exercise — Sar Dinoil
Exercise "Complete passive state"
Excerpt from Sar Dinoil's "Developing of astral abilities"
Before learning to focus your attention, you must be able to make your consciousness empty, cleanse it of all thoughts and protect yourself from the access of all external impressions.
Such a state of stopping all mental work and emptiness of consciousness is a complete passive state and represents an extreme degree of a general passive state, from which it differs by the complete fading of mental life.
The following things help the onset of a complete passive state:
a) gazing for several minutes at some shiny object or point;
b) monotonous sounds: dripping and murmuring of water, street noise, induction coil, ticking of a clock, metronome, ringing heard in the ears, if you plug them with your fingers, etc .;
c) monotonous rhythmic repetition of some suitable words many times in a row, and it is useful to emphasize in them, as in verses. You can, for example, say 200 times: “I don’t think about anything,” accentuating the stress. In this case, in order to count, you can sort out the rosary.
Upon reaching complete calmness, stop auxiliary measures, bring the passive state to extreme limits and make a mental energetic suggestion to yourself not to think about anything, not to feel anything, not to be able to feel or imagine anything, to suppress any sensation and thought - to make your consciousness empty.
Of course, during the first exercises, various extraneous thoughts will arise. This exercise can be considered successfully completed only when you have achieved the ability to freeze, completely unaware of anything, not even feeling your body. You should forget that something exists around you, no sounds and impressions should reach you. The ability to think should completely disappear for a while.
In this state, you need to stay for 10 to 15 minutes, not allowing yourself, however, to fall asleep.
If you are very nervous and irritable and cannot in any way fall into a passive state, then, at first, you can resort to sedatives like valerian drops, sodium bromide, etc.
This state is essentially a transitional state between sleep and wakefulness. It naturally occurs in the evening when falling asleep, while the person has not yet had time to finally wake up ("hypnagogic state"). It is produced preferably at night, in bed, before falling asleep.
The result of the passive state is complete rest, which can replace many hours of sleep. This state is a necessary condition for achieving concentration and monoideism.
The passive state, brought to the limits of the possibility, borders on lethargy (see lecture 9), that is, with an almost complete cessation of all vital functions (especially breathing and heartbeat) and with complete loss of consciousness (i.e., fainting).
You need to be able to fall into a passive state under any conditions and in any position (for example, being in society, with noise, etc.).
This skill is extremely important, because thanks to it we can, if necessary, completely ISOLATE OURSELVES FROM THE SURROUNDING, which will not have any power over us.
To achieve this last goal, you can also imagine that your aura expands, becomes impenetrable and surrounds you as if by armor.
Another application of the passive state is the ABSORPTION OF THOUGHTS. Being in a passive state, a person tries not to think about anything at all, having instilled in himself a desire to catch fruitful and useful thoughts floating around him about what he is currently doing. At the same time, you should imagine that the aura surrounding you expands and freely passes thoughts, and that the "shell" of your bad thoughts and habits is falling apart.
After spending a few minutes in this state, you will see that soon a lot of unexpected ideas will appear in your mind.
Excerpt from Sar Dinoil's "Developing of astral abilities"
Translated by Eric Midnight, August of 2020